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Home : Addictions : Substance Abuse : Tobacco : Media
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  • Bibliography on Tobacco Advertising
    Bibliography of research and analysis articles on tobacco advertising and promotion.
  • Big Tobacco's Deadly Deceits
    Article in Midwest Today, June/July 1996. "Cigarette Makers Have Worked Hard to Get Smokers Hooked".
  • Censored: The Leaked ABC Tape
    In March 1994, ABC killed a "Turning Point" documentary on Big Tobacco. The text and some of the video (as QuickTime clips) is now available on this site.
  • Coverage of Smoking in Women's Magazines
    A review of 13 magazines across 5 months finds they dispense a lot of health advice but say little about smoking. Over that same period, those magazines ran over 300 cigarette ads.
  • Death In The West
    A movie exposing the most successful cigarette advertising campaign in history, produced in 1976, suppressed in 1979 by Philip Morris, can now be viewed online in its entirety.
  • External Influences on News
    Lecture outline for college class on media features tobacco examples of self-censorship by news organizations.
  • Fallout from the Tobacco War
    Column explores the impact of the Internet on public information on tobacco and the tobacco industry.
  • He Who Has the Gold Rules
    Column on media ownership and its influence on how the news gets reported. Example used is RJR's ownership of the Weekly Reader and its coverage for children of tobacco stories.
  • Interview of Dr. Stanton Glantz
    Frontline interview; covers the Brown and Willaimson documents; the "settlement"; public health activities; the industry. "This is an industry whose whole thinking and behavior has been dominated by avoiding responsibility for its actions".
  • Lung Cancer Media Coverage
    Lung cancer, the leading cancer killer of both men and women, is seriously under-reported when compared to other major cancers, according to a new study.
  • P.U.-litzer Prizes for 1994
    The 1994 Lost In Smoke Award goes to the Weekly Reader, for reasons mentioned.
  • Partnership for a Drug-Free America: the tobacco connection
    The Partnership loves to talk about illegal drugs. They are hard pressed to say anything about a drug that kills more Americans than all illegal drugs combined: tobacco. One reason may be, the Partnership has taken cash from Philip Morris and R. J. Reynolds.
  • Philip Morris Complains About Ad Placement
    Presents and analyzes a letter that Philip Morris sent to newspapers to complain about where and how its ads ran.
  • Press Clips: Tobacco Row
    Explores a connection between $60,000 worth of tobacco ads in Brill's Content and a six-page article in the magazine that bashes the media for "overstating" the link between secondhand smoke and lung cancer.
  • Selling Doubt
    Chapter from a book on the Brown and Williamson papers documents some examples of tobacco industry influence on media.
  • Smoke, Mirrors, and Censorship
    Report on how and why ABC News pulling the plug on a hard-hitting documentary film about the tobacco industry.
  • The Art Of Manipulation
    Art mural deconstructs tobacco ads and identifies how tobacco use affects the lives of the artists and contributors.
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