- Environmental Tobacco Smoke
Cancer Facts from the National Cancer Institute. Summary and bibliography on effects of secondhand smoke. Additional publications you can send for. http://www.meb.uni-bonn.de/cancernet/600039.html - Passive Smoking Does Cause Lung Cancer
WHO press release rebuts tobacco industry claims "passive smoking does cause lung cancer, do not let them fool you". http://www.who.int/inf-pr-1998/en/pr98-29.html - Pets and Secondhand Smoke
Secondhand smoke causes diseases in cats and dogs. http://www.collegian.com/vnews/display.v/ART/2003/03/18/3e767d8fc1b7c - Secondhand Smoke Causes Cancer
The largest review to date examined 50 studies on secondhand smoke, and concludes that secondhand smoke causes cancer of the lung, uterus, cervix, liver, and kidneys. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/2053840.stm - WHO: Passive Smoking Causes Lung Cancer
The World Health Organization (WHO) sets the record straight: secondhand smoke causes lung cancer in non-smokers. http://www.who.ch/inf/pr/1998/pr98-29.html |