- Smokeless Tobacco Facts
From the University of Minnesota Division of Periodontology. Short factsheet covers types of product; prevalence of use; industry advertising and promotion; effects of use; addiction. http://www1.umn.edu/perio/tobacco/smokeless.html - Smokeless/Spit Tobacco Educational Lectures.
Rick Bender, "the man without a face," travels to schools throughout America sharing the story of his devastating battle with cancer caused by spit tobacco. http://www.midrivers.com/~nosnuf - Spit Tobacco
Factsheet from the American Academy of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery: what is spit tobacco, what's in it, physical and mental effects, early warning signs of oral cancer, quitting tips, and at the bottom of the page, a highly graphic graphic. http://www.sinuscarecenter.com/tobchaao.html - Spit Tobacco, Dental Health, and Cancer
Information from the Academy of General Dentistry on effects of spit tobacco; mouth sores; double dippers; addiction; and kicking the habit. http://www.agd.org/consumer/topics/tobacco/main.html - Spit Tobacco: Does Smokeless Mean Harmless
Mayo Clinic article explains why spit tobacco, also known as chew, snuff, or dip, causes addiction, disease, and death just like cigarettes and other tobacco products. http://www.mayoclinic.com/invoke.cfm?objectid=BDFA0D03-F8D7-42B2-A8D23038227F0F3A&locID= - Tobacco Intervention Network
Over 9,000 dentists, hygienists, cessation counselors, physicians, psychologists and other health professionals who want to help their patients quit the use of spit tobacco. How to quit spit tobacco, how health professionals can help their patients quit, news, and posters and videos on the subject. http://www.quittobacco.com/ |