- Philip Morris Schoolbook Covers
Commercial Alert takes a hard look at Philip Morris's giveaway of school book covers. http://www.commercialalert.org/tobacco/index.html - Question It
Spotlights how the tobacco industry targets youth. http://www.questionit.com/ - R.J. Reynolds Fined for Ads in Youth Magazines
Washington Post article; a judge found that a major tobacco company violated the terms of the 1998 national tobacco settlement by running magazine cigarette ads aimed at teenagers. http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A8888-2002Jun6?language=printer - RJR on the "youth market"
Document from R.J. Reynolds (RJR) site shows that 14 year old smokers were not just a viable, but a very sought after market for RJR. http://www.tobacco.org/Documents/dd/ddrjryouth.html - Smoke This
Op-ed on tobacco industry promotions to youth. http://www.localaccess.com/wfwc/issue7/smoke.htm - Teenage Fun Bankrolled by Tobacco Giant
A description of how Philip Morris is using the Internet to run fashion parades and raves aimed at teenage girls. http://news.com.au/common/story_page/0,4057,1506226%255E421,00.htm - The Marlboro Man lives
Article in Salon magazine. "Big Tobacco money is being spent differently than before, but it's still targeting our youth." http://www.salon.com/health/feature/2000/02/10/tobacco_ads/index.html - The Smoking Gun: Tobacco And Teenagers
"The documents the tobacco industry didn't want you to see." E.g. RJR 1975 RJR marketing memo: we must increase our share of the "young adult market, the 14-24 age group". http://www.thesmokinggun.com/tobacco/tobacco.html - They said WHAT?
Collection of quotes: what the industry says in its own internal documents on nicotine and addiction, tobacco products and health, legalese, youth, and evidence. http://www.tobaccofacts.org/tob_truth/tru-quotes.html - Tobacco Ads in Magazines
Gallery of ads shows how tobacco companies advertise in magazines with high youth readership, and looks at some of the messages in those ads. http://www.costkids.org/targetingkids/magazineads.htm - Tobacco Ads May Undermine Good Parenting
A new study presents evidence that tobacco industry marketing undermines the best efforts of parents to prevent their kids from smoking. http://www.kfmb.com/family_first/details.php?storyID=9886 - Tobacco Advertising and Youth
Factsheet from the Tobacco Reference Guide. http://www.globalink.org/tobacco/trg/Chapter28/Chapter28Advertising.html - Tobacco and the Media
Slide presentation from Media Influence on the Health of Adolescents at Andrews University. http://www.andrews.edu/IPA/education/adolescent_health/Media_Influence/sld028.htm - Tobacco Company Magazine Ads Continue To Target Children
Research report from Harvard Business School analyzes advertising expenditures in 30 adult- and youth-oriented magazines, finds that young people smoke cigarettes advertised in youth magazines. http://www.oncolink.com/templates/resources/article.cfm?c=3&s=8&ss=23&id=1568 - Tobacco Giant's Secret Papers Revealed
Britain's biggest tobacco company was so concerned that it would lose market share to hard drugs such as cocaine and heroin that it attempted to market a 'rebellious' image for cigarettes to make them more attractive to youngsters. http://observer.guardian.co.uk/international/story/0,6903,1037005,00.html |