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Health Board Addictions/Substance Abuse/Tobacco/World

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Home : Addictions : Substance Abuse : Tobacco : World : Page 3
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  • Tobacco Control Information
    Tobacco control information for countries of central and eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, in English and Russion.
  • Tobacco Control Program In Czech Republic
    Aims to heighten public awareness and catalyze policy change necessary for the creation of a tobacco-free environment in the Czech Republic.
  • Tobacco Country Profiles
    For each country: tobacco consumption, smoking prevalence, deaths attributed to smoking, pharmaceutical treatments, market share by manufacturer, trade and agriculture statistics, taxes and duties, retail price, advertising and sponsorship, health promotion and education, sales and distribution restrictions, tobacco product regulations, smoke-free indoor air, organizations involved in tobacco control.
  • Tobacco Free Albania
    Interview with Sara Bogdani, youth advocate for a tobacco-free Albania.
  • Tobacco Free Initiative Pakistan
    Initiative sponsored by the Network for Consumer Protection in Pakistan to mount resistance to the tobacco industry, to educate about tobacco use, and to pressure the government to introduce controls on tobacco sale and promotion.
  • Tobacco in the 3rd World
    Feature article deals with facts about tobacco including its effect on 3rd World development and ecosystems. Case studies include Kenya, Malawi, the Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand, and Brazil.
  • Tobacco Industry Activity in the Middle East
    Report from the WHO Regional office for the Eastern Mediterranean Region documents tobacco industry front groups, lobbying, PR campaigns, spying on tobacco control organizations, and delaying or blocking anti-tobacco measures in the region.
  • Tobacco Industry Influence in the Eastern Mediterranean Region
    Documentary evidence on tobacco industry collusion in the Middle East, tobacco industry lobbying, attempts to influence political figures and the media, campaigns to defeat tobacco advertising bans, smokefree laws, manufacturing regulations, cigarette taxes.
  • Tobacco Marketing: Photos From Around The World
    Cigarette ads and promotions around the world, captured in photos of tobacco billboards, magazine advertisements, concerts, sports events, point of sale ads, and trinkets.
  • Tobacco Reforms
    Information for local government, tobacco retailers, restaurants and cafes, pubs and clubs, choppign centers, environmental health officers, and smokers, on changes to tobacco law in Australia.
  • Tobacco` Free Asia
    Country profiles, tobacco control measures, tobacco industry activities, media, news centre, and links to other sites.
  • U.S. Aided Cigarette Firms in Conquests Across Asia
    Washington Post article on how the U.S. federal government helped the tobacco industry push its product overseas, and how the industry is expanding in Asia, the ex-Soviet Union, and China.
  • Where there's smoke
    Article on smoking and tobacco in Hungary.,2763,369849,00.html
  • WHO Europe: Danger of exploitation by the tobacco industry
    In English, French, or German. WHO warning: in the tobacco industry's war on public health, the manipulation of public health advocates and scientists is a key strategy.
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