Health Board

Lectures given to dental students. Prevalence and the systemic and local effects of smoking and spit tobacco use; smoking as a cause of periodontal diseases; effects of tobacco use on dental treatment results; nicotine addiction; stages of change; clinical interventions; use of nicotine and non-nicotine pharmacologic therapy; tobacco industry influence; role of oral health care providers in policy and media advocacy.

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Addictions: Substance Abuse: Tobacco: Quitting: Materials for Health Professionals: Lecture Outlines from Tobacco Topics in Dentistry  Previous Next

Lecture Outlines from Tobacco Topics in Dentistry

Lectures given to dental students. Prevalence and the systemic and local effects of smoking and spit tobacco use; smoking as a cause of periodontal diseases; effects of tobacco use on dental treatment results; nicotine addiction; stages of change; clinical interventions; use of nicotine and non-nicotine pharmacologic therapy; tobacco industry influence; role of oral health care providers in policy and media advocacy.

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