- Sweeny Community Hospital
Serves the West Brazos area with physician, nursing, and emergency medical services. Located in Sweeney. Has information on the hospital, education, their services, wellness center and job opportunities. http://www.sweenyhospital.org - Texas Spine and Joint Hospital
Presents surgeon and physician profiles, detailed descriptions of the neurological, orthopedic, and pain management procedures and treatments available, anatomical overviews with pictures, and a glossary of terms. http://www.tsjh.org/ - Trinity Mother Frances Health System
Primary care hospital located in Tyler covers information about their cancer institute, cardiac services, trauma center, children's services, nursery, orthopedics, women's center, senior services, sports care and wellness center. http://www.trimofran.org/ - University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
One of the nation's top cancer research centers. Numerous resources on cancer prevention, diagnosis, and care. Resources for new patients and their families, including what to expect, hospital maps, transportation and lodging. (Houston, Texas) http://www.mdanderson.org/ - University of Texas Medical Branch
Provides Galvestion region with comprehensive information for patients, visitors and physicians. Also contains information and links on a variety of health care topics. http://www.utmbhealthcare.org/ - Valley Regional Medical Center
Provides a range of health and wellness services for the Brownsville community. Site also contains medical information, interactive health features, and employment opportunities. http://www.valleyregionalmedicalcenter.com/ - Walls Regional Hospital
Located in Cleburne, south of Fort Worth. Offers a variety of common hospital services including Emergency Medicine. http://www.harriswalls.org - West Houston Medical Center
Provides a range of health and wellness services for the Houston community. Site also contains medical information, interactive health features, and employment opportunities. http://www.westhoustonmedical.com/ - Wilson N. Jones Medical Center
Located in Sherman. Serving the healthcare and medical needs of Northern Texas and Southern Oklahoma. http://www.wnj.org/ - Yoakum Community Hospital
Staff directory and a description of services such as emergency, surgery, delivery, and home health care. Includes employment information. http://www.yoakumhospital.com/ |