- Adultmedicine.com
Information about the internal medicine / adult medicine groups associated with St. Johns Regional Medical Center in Springfield, Missouri. http://www.adultmedicine.com/ - Alpenglow Medical
Internal medicine physician providing primary care for adults at Fort Collins, CO. http://www.alpenglowmedical.com/ - Binz Clinic
Information about this internal medicine and family practice and the services provided. Located in Houston, Texas. http://www.binzclinic.com/ - Carmelo Milazzo, MD
Information on this internal medicine practice in Union City, NJ. Includes links to wide assortment of related sites. http://carmelomilazzo.com - Darius Peikari
A practice specializing in preventive medicine in Plano, Texas. http://www.dariuspeikari.com/ - Dennis Sager, M.D.
Senior FAA Examiner providing primary care medicine for adults in Reston, VA. http://www.sagermedicine.com - Edward S. Garbacz
Integrated medical practice in Atlanta, Georgia. http://www.doctorgarbacz.com/ - Elie Saber
About the practice, doctors and opening hours. (Lamar, Colorado) http://doctor.medscape.com/ELIESABERMD - Elmbrook Internal Medicine
Group of physicians with a list of their services, resumes and office information. (Brookfield, Wisconsin) http://www.elmbrookintmed.com/ - Felix Sokolsky
A Russian, Lithuanian and English speaking medicine physician in Rockville and Gaithersburg, Maryland. http://drsokolsky.com/ - Furr Clinic
An introduction to this Ocean Springs, Mississippi clinic. http://www.furrclinic.com/ - Gramercy Park Physicians
Group of seven physicians, a nurse practitioner and a certified nutritionist. Their profiles, services and information for patients. (Beth Israel Medical Center, New York, New York) http://www.gramercyparkphysicians.com/ - HamptonHealth
A primary care Internal Medicine practice in Hampton, New Hampshire. http://www.hamptonhealth.md - Health Associates of South Philadelphia
Adult internal medicine and pediatrics in South Philadelphia. Special features on choosing an HMO, healthy recipes, sign language, and resources for uninsured patients. http://www.healthassociates.com - Internal Medicine Associates
A multispecialty group practice with 43 medical providers including specialists, sub specialists, family physicians and nurse practioners. http://www.ima-md.com/ |