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APGAR score

This is a scoring system for the evaluation of newborn babies developed by Dr. Virginia Apgar in 1953. A score of 0, 1, or 2 is given to five vital signs which are assessed at 1 minute, 5 minutes, and 10 minutes. The five vital signs are : appearance, pulse, reflex, muscle tone, and breathing pattern. The following is how the scores are given: Score Color Heart Rate Reflex Muscle Tone/Activity Respiration 0 blue, pale absent no response limp absent 1 body pink, extremeties blue below 100 grimace some flexion of extremeties slow, irregular 2 completely pink over 100 cough, sneeze, cry active good, crying It is fair to say that APGAR score at 1 minute after birth reflects the neonate's need for attention. A low 1 minute score is not necessarily indicative of any long term problems of the baby (a normal premature child would have a low score, as might the baby of a woman under heavy analgesia). The five minutes score is a reflection of the success of effectiveness of the resuscitation. Neither are the 1 minute or 5 minute scores good indicators of future problems or performances of the child. A low Apgar score at 10 minutes and after may indicate problems, such as cerebral palsy, especially if other clinical signs are present (e.g. hypotonia, seizures, metabolic acidosis)

Selected APGAR score links:

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